UNITED Tournament Registration
The tournament registration process is a little different this year. Please follow the instructions carefully when registering your team(s).

To begin, please select a username and password. Be sure to write this information down and store it in a safe place. You'll need it to view/edit your regsitration information in the future.

As a person in charge of registration, you may need to register more than one team.
We have simplified this process by separating your registration from your team('s) registration.
First, we will need to gather your information. Once you've finished, you'll be taken to a page where you can enter team information. If you have already registered yourself, there is no need to do it again - just go to the 'My Information' link in the Tournament area, and login.

All fields are required.
Select a User Name:
Letters and numbers only - no spaces or special characters.

Select a Password:

Confirm Password:

Enter a valid email address (confirmation will be sent to this address):