tualatin hills united soccer club

To help defer some of the costs associated with the soccer season, we will be doing fundraisers throughout the year. With the participation of all members, this plant sale will get us off to a good start. The money earned will benefit your individual team as well as the club as a whole. The fundraisers are excellent opportunities to lower costs for our players.


February 23rd
Order forms will go out to all managers
March 15th
Sale ends
March 19th
Orders and money collected at Tualatin Hills Rec. Center (6:30p - 7:30p)
April 12th
Last day to amend orders
April 18th
Individuals pick up orders at Tualatin Hills Rec. Center (1:00p - 6:00p)

All plants must be paid for when the order is taken by cash or checks made payable to THUSC. Players should also tell their customers about the April 18th delivery date. One order form should be used per customer. The back of the form has useful plant descriptions to help with questions. Players will be given 3 order forms to start. If players require more than 3 forms, a printable copy of the order form will be available via email.

We are also in need of volunteers to unload the plants from the delivery truck and to compose and pass out orders on April 18th. If you would like to volunteer, or if you have any questions, please contact Kathy Hawkins at the email address or phone number below.

With spring just around the corner, this should be an easy and profitable fundraiser. Let's make it successful!

Kathy Hawkins
(503) 693-7375

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