U11: Mark Stein - is a top level adult player and has participated as an instructor at numerous soccer camps. He has been coaching youth soccer for five years.
U12A: Kathleen Herman - This is Kathleen's second year in THUSC. She was a successful college player and is employed at one of the local indoor soccer facilities. She has been coaching for over nine years.
U12B: Jordan Ronick - new to THUSC for 1999, was a successful high school player and has coached in New Jersey, Tennessee, and Texas. This is Jordan's ninth year coaching.
U13A: Ronnie Augustynovich - has her state D License and 16 years coaching experience at the recreational, classic and high school levels. She has also participated in the Beaverton School District Mentor Coach Program.
U13B: Christy Lambert - A former THUSC player, Christy played at Aloha HS, Oregon State University and currently plays in adult leagues throughout Portland. She is excited to return to her soccer "roots" as a THUSC coach.
U14A: Allison Spens - has played soccer most of her life including participation in the Olympic Development Program. While a standout player at Willamette University, her team won their division championship each year. Allison holds a Masters Degree in Exercise Physiology and has coached youth soccer since she graduated from high school.
U14B: Wayne Flynn - has coached and refereed youth soccer since he was 14. He is certified as an advanced level coach by the American Youth Soccer Organization. Wayne also serves as the President of THUSC and the Tournament Director for the THUSC Invitational Soccer Tournament.