
SoccerPlus Goalkeeper School
June 13-18, 1998

THUSC is pleased to announce development of apartnership with SoccerPlus Goalkeeper School Programs and Tony DiCicco (HeadCoach U.S. Womem's National Team) to offer a Commuter Camp Program designed toaddress the technical and tactical skill development needs of Keepers age 10thru adult. The Camp is to be held at the THPRD Rec Center during June 13-18,1998 at a cost of $395 (THUSC derives no economic benefit from this fee as itcompensates SoccerPlus and THPRD for their services). Details concerning thecamp can be obtained via contacting www.goalkeeper.comor 1-800-KEEPER-1. For those interested in testing the waters concerninggoalkeeper training, a "gratis" mini-session will be offered oneevening during the course of the camp. Stay tuned for details. Tony DiCicco andhis staff provide world class training with a unique emphasis on development ofthe individual as a player and person. Having seen Tony in action during 1997,we can assure you that this is an opportunity that you should consider takingadvantage of.


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